The Team

Suit up and run: 31 Shapers on a 21K

Suit up and run: 31 Shapers on a 21K

On September 29, we laced up our running shoes and hit the streets of Odense. 31 Shapers – yes, 31 of us – lined up for the HCA Half Marathon, not in your usual tights, but decked out in our Essential Suit and women's suit. Even our three founders got in on the action, proving that looking sharp, stretching your limits and having fun can definitely go hand in hand.

Running a half marathon? That is one thing. Doing it in a suit? Now that’s next-level!

This challenge wasn’t about breaking records (though shout-out to our friend Martin Egebjerg who crushed it last year in the same suit). It was about showing up as a team, running together at a comfortable pace for everyone and making sure the SHAPING NEW TOMORROW presence was felt in Odense – especially when the squad passed our local store. That’s where our friends, families and colleagues gathered at the big logo portal, cheering us on and giving us just the boost we needed to keep going.

The best part? It wasn’t about crossing the finish line in record time – it was about crossing it together. We laughed, cheered, high-fived, and we did it all in suits that are designed to keep up with whatever comes your way. And if that’s a half-marathon, even better!

It wasn’t about crossing the finish line in record time – it was about crossing it together.